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Power and Electrical Engineering

Qualification: Bachelor of "Power and Electrical Engineering"

Profile: Electric Drive and Automatics

Short description: Power engineering is one of the key spheres in the economy of a country: it involves generation and utilization of primary resources – fuels, hydro resources, wind and solar energy, etc. for the needs of power production. Power and electrical engineering studies offered by the Institute of Civil Building and Engineering cover energy generation, production technologies, energy management, distribution and rational utilisation, and environmental management.

Your future professional skills: Students completing a major in Power and Electrical Engineering receive a strong foundation in measurement systems, analog and digital signal conditioning, industrial electronics, and rotating machinery. 

Career options: Graduates of the Power and Electrical Engineering major understand, design, analyze, and work effectively in industrial settings utilizing product/process control systems and electrical power systems. Graduates are working in petrochemical companies, food manufacturing, steel processing, utilities, electrical equipment, sales, manufacturing and testing, and a host of other diverse industries.

Internship: students pass industrial practices (internships) and educational practices on power and electrical engineering enterprises, workover,  research institutes, as well as in laboratories and university departments.

Reasons to study at Ukhta University: Ukhta city is the Motherland of first Russian oil. There are many oil and gas companies.

Subjects to study:


Electric Drive and Automatics

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