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Technologies of Geological Exploring

Qualification: Specialist of "Technologies of Geological Exploring"

Short description: Technologies of Geological Exploring program focuses on geology, mining methods, exploration technology, surveying, and computer applications for mining operations and mineral explorations.

Your future professional skills: Technologies of Geological Exploring program prepares students to work in the mining and explorations industry. Students will acquire knowledge of minerals and rock identification, prospecting techniques, mine workings, surveying and computer skills. The program includes the skills and knowledge to enable the graduate to assist in locating and evaluating mineral deposits.

Career options: Graduates of this course can work as technologists with resource exploration companies, environmental consulting firms, regulatory agencies and oil and gas companies.

Internship: Students pass industrial practices (internships) and educational practices in the fields, oil and gas fields, drilling, oil and gas enterprises, companies of geological exploration, research institutes, as well as in laboratories and university departments.

Reasons to study at Ukhta University: There are many companies in the Komi Republic which concentrate on oil and gas sector such as GazpromLukoilRosneftTransneft and others.

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