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Technosphere Safety

Qualification: Bachelor of "Technosphere Safety"

Short description: Human environment – technosphere – is full of harmful factors adversely affecting human life, natural environment, its flora and fauna.

Technospheric hazards derive from industrial facilities and technologies dangers, natural disasters and dangers from technical means and divices used by man in his day-to-day life. Man would be able to withstand technospheric hazards only in case of active preventive measures instead of cleaning-up the aftermaths of hazardous impacts on the environment. This is a great challenge to professionals – specialists in vital safety in technosphere.

Your future professional skills:

  • acquire skills and ability to predict the social, economic and environmental consequences of the decisions of complex engineering problems, evaluate the problems associated with the economic activity of man in nature, based on differentx sources of information to determine the measures to protect the environment, apply the methods and means of energy - and resource-saving technologies for environmental management and protection of the environment during the production processov;
  •  know and be able to apply the criteria, the domestic and international standards and norms in the field of life safety; own methods of assessment of the main resource-saving and environmental technologies and to use it for protectionenvironment, have basic methods of protection of industrial workers and the public from the consequences of accidents, disasters, natural disasters;
  • adopt technological solutions to be used without waste and resource-saving technologies in metallurgy, machinery and other industries, to carry out calculations of emissions and assessment of the environmental status by the existingx and projected technological processes and equipment, use standard approaches to ensure the safety of life and environmental sustainability; apply the legal and technical standards for security management life.

Career options: 

  • Service and supervisors in the field of environmental protection and safety of Technosphere. Project organization of systems and devices of protection of the environment from sources of negative impacts;
  • Organizations engaged in the administration of health, environment and safety;
  • Engineering services to ensure environmental security and environmental management in enterprises of any form of ownership in various industries.;
  • Research and development organizations engaged in the development of new methods for the protection of the environment, rehabilitation of contaminated and derelict lands;
  • Organization for the operation and maintenance of systems, equipment and devices protecting the environment from the adverse effects of man-made and man-made. Industrial enterprises of various sectors of the economy.

Internship: Students pass industrial practices (internships) and educational practices in technosphere safety companies, research institutes, as well as in laboratories and university departments.

Reasons to study at Ukhta University: In the Komi Republic there are many oil and gas companies and enterprises which need specialists in Technosphere Safety.

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